Friday, April 4, 2014

Heaven and Hell: Are They Real?

Other than a word somewhat more distaste, "hell" is a ready-made curse word with a variety of uses. As noted by this book, perhaps overused. Its use as a generic curse word leads us to lose a full understanding and respect of what we mean by this term. And, it's opposite number -- heaven.

The book is a series of short chapters posing and answering various questions regarding heaven and hell (what are they like? do animals go to heaven? will we meet family members there? what does the Bible say about them? etc.). It also has a few pictures, mostly of a medieval art flavor and some pages that provide summaries (e.g., various quotations in the Bible). There is also a "further thought" for each section.

The book overall is down to earth/colloquial in tone, hopeful but not overly Pollyanna in nature. That is, the book argues that there is a heaven and a hell, so things won't all be charming for everyone. But, for those who follow the right path, particularly have faith and belief in Jesus, a great happiness will occur for them. The sections are short enough for easy reading for single prayer sessions or for individual study. The paperback further makes it a convenient book to have and use, slip in your bag to read on the bus or train. The sections favor excerpts from other works along with a few thoughts from the author, not always totally sure of what is what -- a good sensible approach. Nothing too deep, but pretty good of its kind. I would recommend it to those who like this sort of thing.

BookLook Bloggers provided this volume free in return for a review.