Sunday, December 15, 2013

Once-a-Day Country Faith Devotional

I obtained this book free from Book Sneeze in return for providing a review.

Was overall impressed with this book. It is in effect a bible quotation book that does what the title says -- provide reflections from fifty-six leading country music stars on their favorite biblical quote. The basic format: a nice glossy picture of the star(s) in question, the quote and a short discourse on what the quotation means to them. Nothing profound but a nice way to examine the Bible in a good looking package. The book also includes the Gospel of Mark.

The title is a bit curious in that it is not really "once a day" since we just have the fifty-six reflections. The Book of Mark is provided perhaps because it is the shortest gospel. The aim is to help the reader pick their own favorite passage and this suggests a certain Christian focus. But, the verses chosen are from both testaments of the Christian Bible.

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